in Stratford, CT. 2022.

Our Story

LNT Brand is made up of a group of young teens in Connecticut. All coming from low/middle class environments we all had 1 thing in common…

We hated our environment every single thing about it, and hated the thought of becoming a product of our environments. This caused us to start creating the environment bonding with likeminded people.

Instead of neglecting our environment and changing it we choose to change it. By using familiar terminology “leaving no trace” and “Moving in silence” to create a lifestyle. Usually when you think of leaving no trace or moving in silence you would think of a crime, we hear those words and think of success.

Moving in Silence is our generations way of not getting our dreams and goals taken down by smaller minds. Leaving No Trace is our lifestyle, not leaving a trace of what people would think of us because of our environment but instead leaving a trace of success and the changes we make.

Again it's not about where you are from its about what you do, and what we do is change the environments we suffer in creating opportunities to succeed and grow beyond the imaginable.

All items made in and inspired by the silent thoughts of 3 am.